Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pot Heads In The Third World.

I Know, I know, we have a lot of marijuana use right here in America - but like I said before - the far left wants to make this country like other third world country - and especially like the Muslim world. What the devil and demonic people do in the Muslim and other tyranic and anti-Chrisitan nations, they will do the same thing over here.

I will show some of the information that I have found on this article, but to read the rest - go here ----> http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/Library/studies/nc/nc1g_7.htm

Here are some points:

"Chopra et al. (1942) carefully performed the same examination of admission to Indian mental hospitals from 1928 through 1939 when cannabis use was extremely high. They found 600 cases of acute and chronic psychosis which could be traced to cannabis use. Other reports from India have produced varying estimates of the incidence of cannabis psychosis (Peebles and Mann, 1914; Chopra, 1971; Dhunjibhoy, 1930 Evens, 1904). In Egypt 27% to 33% of mental hospital admissions were cannabis related (Ireland, 1893; Warnock, 1903)."

"Benabud (1957) reported that cannabis users comprised 68% of all mental hospital admissions in Morocco but only 25% of these admissions could be called cannabis psychosis. Watt (1936 and 1961) reported that 2% to 3% of mental hospital admissions in South Africa were due to the use of dagga (cannabis)."

"Boroffka (1966) and Asuni (1964) reported that 14% of psychiatric admissions in Nigeria used cannabis. Toxic psychosis accounted for half of these and cannabis was felt to aggravate underlying schizophrenia in the remainder."

"A Morroccan investigator, Christozov (1965), studied 140 chronic heavy hashish users hospitalized in a mental hospital. Their behavior was characterized by a confusional state of consciousness, an impulsivity, an irresponsible attitude, and an instability of mood and character. The patients were often psychotic with persistent hallucinations. Intellectual functions were reduced in over half the cases although this was related to a low intellect prior to drug use. Electroencephalography showed no specific changes. In addition, it was noted that half of the patients were also alcoholics."

"Thus, the existence of a more long lasting cannabis-related psychosis is poorly defined. Some evidence indicates the existence, of a, quite rare slow-recovery, residual cannabis-psychosis following heavy chronic use. Patients often exhibit schizophrenic-like withdrawal, mental confusion and mild residual hallucinations; but there is little tendency for the, symptoms to become organized or proliferate. The symptoms develop gradually and then subside gradually before proceeding to full-blown psychotic symptoms. These may produce gradual psychic deterioration in the habitual excessive user after prolonged periods of time. Several authors theorized that the chronic psychosis consists of recurrent acute attacks with gradual deterioration in habitual excessive users (Roland and Teste, 1958; Chopra, et al., 1942; Stringaris, 1939; Sigg , 1963)."

If America doesn't rid itself from this crazy marijuana use - expect these kinds of things to begin to happen.

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