Thursday, January 8, 2009

College tries to slide terrorist speaker under the radar

By Katie O'Malley (ModernConservative)

The College of DuPage (COD) in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, has announced the February speaker for their Living Leadership Program. Based on the desired goals of the series, COD students, parents and the taxpayers of DuPage County should have much to be excited about. The program, according to their website, is based on the following philosophies: “Leadership is a skill, therefore anyone can learn it, practice it, and become better at it. Leadership is not tied to position, title or authority. Leaders use 1) Conscious Decision-Making 2) Active Participation, and 3) Understanding of Multiple Perspectives to impact their communities in positive ways.” Specifically, COD hopes to aid in “connecting students with people who are showing leadership through their action in today’s world.”

And yet, when the office for Student Activities sent an email message campus wide announcing William “Weather Underground” Ayers as the featured speaker, it landed with a thud. Despite an influx of emails, calls and concern, COD seems curiously oblivious to the controversy. But not so oblivious that the initial email somehow managed to mysteriously leave off all members of the COD Board of Trustees.

After reading the stated goals of the series, one cannot help but ponder how a dried up old hippie, whose claim to fame is almost 40 years old, can possibly be relevant as someone who shows action in today’s world. The only “action” he seems to have consistently participated in recently is the pimping of his memoir chronicling his reign of terror and the whiplash inducing ducking and weaving of the spotlight during the Obama Presidential Campaign. Embarrassing, yes. Leadership? Not so much.

Kory Atkinson, a Trustee for COD, will be asking the Board of Trustees to discuss the concerns that are being raised, not only with the invitation of Ayers, but with the leftist slant of speakers invited to COD in recent years, during a January 12th Board meeting.

“The students, residents and taxpayers of COD have a right to expect that the College will use public funds responsibly. Paying an admitted and unrepentant domestic terrorist to speak to our students about ‘leadership’ is simply appalling and demonstrates poor judgment in the use of public dollars.”


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1 comment:

Red Hot Actor said...

To make good people do evil deeds is difficult. Only religion can do that.
The USA is so infested with religion that it has totally lost its ability to listen. So it preaches and when all preach there is no one to listens. Only religions can maintain a Middle East crizis forever. Faith is by nature against reason.
Pray for a de-religionizing of America. Read: